EBU meal arrangements:
We have negotiated buffet meal packages for our active members and their partners with following options:
- Option 1: Friday dinner + Saturday lunch & dinner = 3 meals: 69 €
- Option 2: Friday and Saturday lunch & dinners = 4 meals: 92 €
- Option 3: Thursday dinner + Friday and Saturday lunch & dinners = 5 meals: 115 €
Buffet meal includes:
- Salads and cold delicacies
- Hot meal with variety of soup, pasta, fish and meat
- Dessert buffet with fruits and beverage salad
- White and red wine, beer, juices, water (one drink per meal)
- Coffee
The EBU meal arrangements are consumption arrangements and should not be confused with the membership fee!
Please, make your payment for the meal arrangements on the EBU bank account (not PayPal) by 29 March at the latest. Indicate clearly “EBC + name(s)” of the participant(s) on the bank transfer form and the selected meal arrangement (Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3).
IBAN: BE89 0688 9104 7885
European Blues Union VZW
Chrysantenstraat 28
1020 Brussels – Belgium