These are the main goals of the European Blues Union:

  • to promote blues in Europe;
  • to promote the global significance and reputation of European blues and roots music across the world, and in particular in Europe;
  • to encourage international exchanges and co-operation among the European blues festivals or other similar organisations;
  • to set up educational programs and to promote blues in schools;
  • to organize events, awards, etc.

New Blues Fan Members Joining Form

Please FIRST make payment of 20 € by bank transfer or Paypal to EBU bank account:



IBAN: BE89 0688 9104 7885 BIC (=SWIFT): GKCCBEBB BELFIUS Bank NV Karel Rogierplein 11 1210 Brussels Belgium European Blues Union VZW Chrysantenstraat 28 1020 Brussels Belgium You will receive a receipt of payment to your e-mail address as soon as we have registered your payment.

After having made the payment please send us the info required underneath. You will receive immediate confirmation after having sent the email.

New Fan Member

Please fill this form:
Payment Confirmation Number (Bank or Paypal)
Or send us (, an email with the following info:
  • Membership (Fan)
  • Your Name, Email
  • Website
  • Adrress (City, Country)
  • Membership Year (from 2025)
By sending this informations the applicant accepts that his data will be stored for internal use and that the data may be distributed amongst the EBU active members. Your data will not be passed on to third parties, who are no member of the EBU.  On request, you will be provided at any time with details of the nature and extent of the data stored with a personal reference to yourself. In addition, in accordance with the law, you have the right to have personal data corrected, blocked or deleted. Please read the Privacy Protection rules that can be found here: New Disclaimer Your membership as Active Member of the EBU is subject to the condition that the General Assembly of the EBU will accept your application, and that you accept the internal rules and statutes of the EBU. Membership Rules