Country Responsible Guideline Dear EBU members, these guidelines has been developed and studied to help each EBU Country Responsible and/or EBU Responsible in order to organize the volunteer work for all the EBU activities. In case of any doubt or problem feel free to contact us at


Each country represented in the EBU will be entitled to select a contact person or a country responsible (physical person), belonging to the EBU and appointed by the majority of the EBU members of the given country.


The national selection process in each country to appoint acts for the European Blues Challenge will be coordinated by the country responsible. It would also be fair if all EBU active members of that country could work together for the EBC selection.


If more than one EBU Active Member wants to take initiative in organizing the national selection in its country, the country responsible should communicate it to the EBU board and solve the dispute by applying following rules: A national organisation that aims to coordinate the blues scene in the respective country, and which is recognized as such by the international blues community, shall have priority. If the previous condition is not fulfilled, seniority as an EBU Active Member shall prevail. In case of a dispute about the selection process or the interpretation or the execution of the present regulations that cannot be solved amicably, the dispute shall be settled by a Committee composed of three EBU Board members after having heard all parties concerned. The decision of the Committee is final.


Country responsible will take care that the selection method for EBC shall be objective, transparent and retraceable. He also will take care that the artists selected accomplish EBC participation rules.


Country responsible has to announce to the President and Secretary of the EBU if his/her country will participate at the next EBC. The Board shall be entitled to make an inquiry on the national selection process. The following deadlines must be followed by the contact person: – Notification of participation: 10 September of the year preceding the EBC. – Notification of the band/performer name, including names of all band members and their instruments, performers’ contact e-mail, short curriculum, rider, stage plot, high-resolution photo, and a song title to be included in EBC promotional material (e.g. the EBU website) as well as the respective digital song track (WAV format, max. duration 5 minutes). Furthermore, a copyright waiver of the band and their potential recording label needs to be delivered by using a specific form provided by the EBU:  31 October of the year preceding the event.


Country responsible will be in touch with EBU board event committee in order to help musicians with practical details (transportation, accommodation, sound check, timetable….).


Country responsible will get in touch with potential new EBU members to present EBU and encourage them to become new members


Country responsible will communicate to the board members any information of interest for the EBU. They can always ask for help or support to the EBU board if they have any problem related to EBU activities.


Country responsible works for the EBU is done on a volunteer basis. No money or other fee is expected coming from the EBU.