Depending on its annual budget, The European Blues Union will devote a certain amount of money to coordinate and develop a Blues for Youth program in cooperation with different Blues Schools. This program will grant European blues musicians/students aged 18 to 26 interested in participating in a summer blues stage Collaboration has started with Little Steven Blues School in Notodden, Norway (a week camp in August), the  Åmåls School of Blues in Åmåls, Sweden and Pinetop Perkins Foundation Workshop in Clarksdale, Mississippi (USA) (four days approx. in June), but more future collaborations can be established. The money devoted to the project will be determined each year by the board and can vary according to EBU budget fluctuations. The grant will partially cover the cost of the stage and/or the travel expenses of the selected applicants. Each year the EBU will launch a call to musicians/students to apply for. The call will specify the total amount devoted to the program. The requested conditions to apply are:

  • Some musical experience in blues or musical studies related to blues music
  • European nationality
  • Age: between 18-26 for Norway, Sweden and USA (or between 15-17 with a parent at his own expenses)

Applicants will have to provide the following information:

  1.          Name
  2.          Address and country
  3.          Phone number
  4.          Email
  5.          Passport number
  6.          Short curriculum and/or experience
  7.          Motivated reasons for the interest in that particular summer blues stage
  8.          song mp3 and/or video

Applications should be sent to president@europeanbluesunion.com in the time frame here below specified:
  • between September 20th and November 10th for Blues School in USA for next year
  • between January 20th to March 10th for Blues School in Norway/Sweden of same year

The board of the European Blues Union will carefully study every candidate merits and make a final selection at its own appreciation. The EBU decision cannot be appealable. Applicants can ask for judgement criteria. Selected students will fulfil a commitment letter that specifies EBU and student duties. For money support the selected students should keep receipt of their travel expenses and send a copy to the EBU treasurer. All students should send a report of their experience after the Blues School to be published in our website