On December 13th 2013 we had the opening of our new Blues Center in Notodden. Europe’s first Blues Museum is opening for the public in the afternoon. It still needs a few adjustments, so the official opening will be on January 31st. It is truly a museum to see. It is of course a history of the blues exhibit, but with much focus on today. Charlie Musselwhite, Kenny Brown and more is featured in films and Morgan Freeman is the narrator.

Notodden Blueseum 1

We are also opening a new restaurant and live room in the building. It is freely modeled after BB King’s in Memphis 🙂 It is really a room to see.

Notodden blueseum 3

It has been a big day in Notodden and also a big day for the blues in Europe – the first real blues museum in Europe!

concert room

Don’t miss it!



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