Bob Corritore Birthday Party
Bob Corritore’s birthday party in Phoenix in late September was well-attended, including three French blues enthusiasts. It was an opportunity to celebrate this special event and strengthen the bonds between our two continents through our shared love of the blues.
In addition to the French delegation, representatives from the Blues Foundation and the Pinetop Perkins Foundation were also present. This event was a great opportunity to bring together blues lovers from around the world. Several American blues societies were also represented, ensuring a rich exchange of ideas and unforgettable moments of camaraderie.
Fred Delforge was proud to represent the European Blues Union and France Blues at this event, and was delighted to have Dan Zirotti and Marc Loison, who host the weekly shows Moonshine Blues and Sweet Home Chicago on Radio 666, in attendance. Their presence helped make this evening a memorable one during which the greatest American bluesmen shared the stage.



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